Approximately 150 people filled out the survey on the Town of Greenwich website after the primary.
Some of the more interesting findings.
1. Most voters used the United States Postal Service to return their balllots.
2. A significant number of voters who voted by Absentee Ballot said they were "not at all confident" (6%)or "not so confident" (9%) that their vote was counted.
Without speculating too much on the reasons for this, let me say that anyone who is concerned about the reliability of the mails can utilize the drop boxes which are available at Town Hall and at the Public Safety Complex. If you do vote by mail, the post office has recommended for more than a year that ballots be mailed 5 business days before the election.
3. Voters who used absentee ballots may have done so due to COVID, but most would prefer to vote in person (68%) if there were no pandemic.
Click Here to See the Full Results of the Survey.
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