I've said before that "No one works harder to make certain that Greenwich voters have an excellent voting experience."

I'm always on the lookout for ways to keep that promise.  In some cases it's about saving money.  In other cases it's about improving technology.  And in still other cases it's about better training for poll workers.

All of the training delivered to poll workers is displayed on the web for complete transparency.  With the advent of new voting equipment in 2025, I plan on re-writing a good portion of the materials.  I've also recorded instructional videos which are available to poll workers to review on their phone and tablet.  In 2023 we provided a tablet at every polling place.

In 2024, the state of CT has mandated that Greenwich provide additional materials in Spanish.  We have leveraged the tablets purchased last year to provide real-time translation services in more than 60 languages to comply with the law, and to go beyond it.

In 2020, I put together training sessions to educate seniors on absentee ballots on Zoom.  I also sent out thousands of texts linking people to a video and best practices when returning their ballot.  Educational efforts like this brought the previous error rate of 2% of ballots rejected down to only .5%

You Tube Video on Completing an Absentee Ballot

Here are a few other results-oriented actions I've taken as Registrar in order to save taxpayer money, and keep voters safe.

The barber shops were still closed due to COVID, but I was in Southington CT picking up gloves and masks for poll workers.

You can tell from my hair that the  barber shops were still closed due to COVID, but I was in Southington CT picking up gloves and masks for poll workers.  There were limited supplies and this was one of the few places which would take a Purchase Order instead of cash or credit card.


After tropical storm Isaias, with power out throughout town, I conducted video training sessions from my car on borrowed wifi.  I produced YouTube Videos so that poll workers could get the training the needed even if they couldn't attend live.  With each new challenge, there's been a new opportunity to get creative and get things done.  All available materials are posted on the web.


When other towns were throwing out their privacy booths in favor of newer, compact models, I was driving to Bethlehem and Vernon to pickup their discards.  Now, those 20 extra booths mean more than just $4000 in savings, they mean better social distancing and safer voting.